
how to sift flour without a sifter

Flour is a milled product made from various grains. As a rule, it is made from wheat or rye, at least – from oats, rice, buckwheat, corn and so on. After grinding, the size of the grains may be different. If flour is thin and has a good gluten, it strongly absorbs moisture and can "cake".

how to sift flour without a sieve

The Need for sifting flour also caused by the fact that it improves the quality. After this process, it is loosened, heated and impregnated with oxygen. In addition, screening is recommended in order to avoid getting bad food peremolotyh particles of grain, sticky lumps, fibers from bags, but also insects in some cases.

Also sifting flour is produced with the aim of obtaining a more "air" cakes, as well as to prevent lumps in the dough.

How does the sifting?

There are several ways to perform this task. The most standard and well-known method is the use of screens or sieves. This device is a grid of thin metal wire or fishing line strung on one side of the wide Hoop. The wrap usually is made of wood, metal or plastic.

how to sift flour without a sieve and gauze

In order to perform the sieving of flour, you want to pour it on the mesh in a sieve. Down inserted deep container to collect the purified flour. A sieve is shaken, smooth movements.

Modern version

Nowadays in the shops you can meet more modern type of device for sifting flour. It is a big metal Cup, reminiscent of a pub, and is equipped with a lever on the handle. When clicking on it in motion is a special mechanism located inside circles, which sifts and pushes the flour.


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Thus, the sieve and its analogues have been used for a very long time, so when it is missing, many do not know what to do in this case. However, there are many ways to sift flour without a sieve.

how to sift flour without a sieve

A Colander and gauze

As already noted, the required consistency to give the flour a variety of means at hand. For sifting will fit any object, which has many small holes. First, you can use a colander. Also good fit and fine filter. Speaking about how to sift flour without a sieve with the help of any object with holes, we cannot forget about cheesecloth. It can be pulled on any surface and by a fork to stir and perminate it through the flour, pressing into the holes. Kitchenware, allowing you to pull the cheesecloth, is there any mistress.

How to sift flour without a sieve (photos)

In addition to the above, there are other methods. They are not actually removed by sifting, but there may be a good alternative to this process. Their efficiency is somewhat less, but for lack of choice they would be perfect. So, what you can use for this? How to sift flour without a sieve and Marley?

First, it can be a regular whisk for whipping eggs and dough. To use it, you just need to fill the flour in a deep container and make the same motion as when mixing liquid products. This method will help to get rid of the lumps, however, to give with it the splendour of the test will fail.

Second, you can use a blender or food processor. The essence of this method how to sift flour without a sieve boils down to the same as using halo. The lumps are easily broken with no effort on your part, but the swing is unlikely.

how to sift flour without a sieve against insects

Manual method

How to sift flour without a sieve and any other devices? It may perform and manually. For this you need to open the packaging of flour and tap the edges of the palm. The product inside will begin to shake and crumble. After that you need to take a deep container, pour the desired amount of flour and begin to mix it thoroughly with two tablespoons. It is necessary to make movements up and down. After about two minutes of this treatment, the flour will be crumbly and easy as it will get a certain amount of air.

However, the way how to sift flour without a sieve is applicable only if the product is stored under appropriate conditions in a sealed package. Also of importance is the time during which the flour was Packed.

how to sift flour without a sieve photo

In all cases it is necessary sifting?

In our days, the flour is usually sold already cleaned. In rare cases it occur impurities in the form of particles of fibers from the burlap. However, the problem of mold and insects can be relevant today. This happens in case of violation of storage conditions of the product. If the packaging is not sealed, but inside there is high humidity, risk of mould and lumps very large. Open the pack and warm moist conditions favor the appearance of the product for bugs. The only way to sift flour without a sieve against insects,is the use of gauze. All of the above methods with the use of available tools will not work.

To avoid such negative phenomena it is necessary to pack the flour immediately after purchase in a container with a tight lid and leave in a cool dry place. Also, be aware that this product is stored without deterioration of its quality during not more than six months. Of course, you can sift the flour and shake stale flour, but it is advisable to use it fresh and has not lost his positive qualities.

how to sift flour without a sifter


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